Asianet Christmas 2015 Programs and Films On 25th December 2015 already posted the Christmas 2015 Malayalam Films of Asianet Channel. Loham, Jamna Pyari, Acha Dhin,Love 24×7, Aadu Oru Bheekara Jeeviyanu are the Christmas 2015 films of Asianet. They have already aired the movie Acha Dhin last sunday and Aadu Oru Bheekara Jeeviyanu is premiering this sunday. Jamna Pyari, Love 24×7 are premier films of Asianet on 25th December 2015. They are airing the Movie Loham on Christmas day at 7.00 P.M. Kairali TV premiering the movie Loham on Christmas day at 3.30 P.M. Its first Show on Asianet will be at 7.00 P.M, its the latest film of Mohanlal.
Along with these malayalam film premiers Asainet also showing other shows. At present complete schedule of Asainet for Christams day is not available. We will update the same here soon once we got the updated fpc. Oru Vadakkan Selfie is another movie on Asianet during the Christmas 2015. Asianet telecasts Oru Vadakkan Selfie in the Morning time slot. Oru Vadakkan Selfie is airing on 9.30 A.M on Asianet during Christmas day. Jamna Pyari movie premier on 1.00 P.M and Love 24*7 at 4 P.M. Loham movie telecast on Asianet is at evening 7.00 P.M.
The post Asianet Christmas 2015 Day Special Programs and Premier Films appeared first on Kerala TV.